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Extensive educational research proves that the setting and completion of high-quality homework links to increased outcomes for students in all years. At All Saints we firmly believe homework forms an essential part of a continuous learning process which develops fundamental skills of independence, prioritization, time management and discipline. Therefore, like all other aspects of the school, we have the very highest expectations with regard to the setting and completion of homework.

Homework enables students to:

• Take ownership and responsibility for learning.
• Develop independence.
• Consolidate and extend work covered in class or prepare for new learning activities.
• Access resources not available in the classroom.
• Build research skills.
• Show progress and understanding.
• To enhance their study skills e.g. planning, time management and self-discipline.
• Engage parental cooperation and support.

Below are homework timetables for students in all year groups. The timetable relates to the day that the homework is due. All students have a printed sticker of the homework timetable in their planner. Homework is set in class and put on Teams. It is your child's responsibility to record the homework task set in their planner. 

Please ensure that your child completes their homework prior to the due date. If the homework is not completed, your child will be sanctioned with an XPW and sit a one-hour detention after school until 4:15pm on the following day.  The best way for parents to monitor this is to sign up to the SIMS Parent App and enable notifications.  If your child receives a STAR (achievement point), an X (behaviour point), or an XPW (homework incomplete) you will receive a notification at 6pm. You can view your child's achievement and behaviour record at any point by entering the app, clicking on their name and then selecting 'conduct'. 

To sign up to the app or if you have issues logging in, please email 


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