KS4 Performance Measures
Our Progress 8 score for the academic year 2023/24 is 0.69.
Our Attainment 8 score for the academic year 2023/24 is 53.9.
For more details of our KS4 performances measures including attainment in English and Maths, our EBacc Average Points Score, the percentage of pupils that enter EBacc and the percentage of pupils going into employment or education after KS4, and to or to compare us with other schools in the local authority and across England, click here.
Exam Results
2023 – 24
A record breaking 75% of pupils achieved grades 9 – 4 in both English & Maths, with a stunning 20% of children averaging a grade 7 or above across all subjects. There has also been a significant increase in the number of strong passes achieved by students, with 66% of them leaving All Saints Catholic College with a strong pass (9-5) in both English and Maths, compared to 45% in 2019 (the last time public examinations took place). A staggering 95% of pupils passed their English GCSE and 86% passed Maths, unlocking the future options for the vast majority of our students.
Remarkably, 49% of all of the grades achieved were 7-9 (A*-A) - this is an incredible achievement.
Exceptional results were celebrated across a number of subjects with 70% of History students achieving a top grade (level 7+) and 95% of all students gaining a standard pass in RE.
The results signify an incredible year for the school, particularly in the context of the disruption caused by the pandemic. The school secured an average attainment grade of 6.3, surpassing the average grade of 5.1, generated by the Teacher Assessed Grades (TAGs) used for the 2021 Exam results. The results further underline All Saints Catholic College as a vibrant and innovative school with exceptional teaching at its core.
There were a number of exceptional individual performances, with seven students receiving all grades 8-9 and a further nine students receiving all grades 7-9.
Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparisons between the performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years.

Our most recent Ofsted inspection that took place on 2nd and 3rd November. The team of four inspectors judged All Saints to be OUTSTANDING in every category, an improvement on the previous Good judgement the school had received. In the last academic year, less than 3% of schools inspected have attained an Outstanding judgement, so we are remarkably proud of this achievement. The inspection judgements were as follows:
Overall Effectiveness: Outstanding
Quality of Education: Outstanding
Behaviour and Attitudes: Outstanding
Personal Development: Outstanding
Leadership and management: Outstanding
Here are some key quotes from the inspection report that we feel are important to both highlight and celebrate.
“The school’s culture is both aspirational and highly nurturing.”
“Pupils’ behaviour is excellent. It is unusual for staff to need to remind pupils about how to behave.”
“Leaders and teachers are unwaveringly ambitious for all pupils…They are experts in ensuring that all pupils are making progress through the curriculum.”
“Pupils respond to the high expectations of adults. Where they need additional help, this is recognised and provided by skilled pastoral staff.”
“Every opportunity is taken to support, broaden and stretch pupils’ interests and talents.”
The full report can be read here. We sincerely hope that you enjoy reading the report. We will continue to develop All Saints as a school and strive to further ensure that your child receives an exceptional education whilst they are here.