Parents Day - Thursday 16th September
This event is for parents of students in Y8-10 ONLY.
The purpose of the day is to give parents and students the opportunity to discuss progress with their teachers and for students to gain an insight into what they need to do to improve. Students must attend the session with their parents and are required to wear full school uniform. It is essential that all families attend and we have planned the timings of the day to allow for this.
The timings for each session are listed below:
Session 1: 8.30am – 11.30am
Session 2: 12.30pm – 3.30pm
Session 3: 4.30pm – 7.00pm
We encourage parents and students to arrive towards the beginning of their booked session which will end promptly at 11.30am, 3.30pm or 7.00pm.
Not only will the sessions provide meaningful discussions around your child's progress, but it will provide an opportunity for you to come and see the new building and improvement works throughout the school.
We look forward to meeting you and finally welcoming you back into the school after such a long absence.
If you have any further questions regarding Parents' Day please email info@allsaintscc.org.uk

Y7 Parents Welcome Evening - 30th September
At All Saints we recognise that the transition from primary school to secondary school can be daunting for students and parents, and the aim of this evening is to help remove some of those concerns. This promises to be an enjoyable evening, during which parents will have the opportunity to meet with teachers and parents of other Y7 students, in an informal and relaxed setting.
Please follow the attached link to the online form here, letting us know whether you are able to attend, therefore allowing us to plan the catering for the event.
This is a parent only event and children should remain at home.
Please do not hesitate to contact us via email on info@allsaintscc.org.uk with any questions beforehand.
We look forward to seeing you on Thursday 30th September.
Open Evening 2022
Thank you to all those who were able to attend our Open Evening on Thursday 14th September. It was a real pleasure to meet you all and we hope that your son / daughter enjoyed looking around the school and went home excited to join All Saints.
For those who were unable to attend or would like to see more, we will be running Open Sessions for one week only from Tuesday 20th September - Friday 23rd September. You will need to book in order to attend.
Scroll down this page for further information.

Thankyou to everyone who attended our Open Evening. We were delighted to welcome almost 1200 people through our doors. We hope you found the evening informative and enjoyable.
Should you have any questions regarding our admissions process please email admissions@allsaintscc.org.uk
Open Evening - Wednesday 6th October

Open Week - w/c Monday 11th October
Thankyou to everyone who attended our Open Week sessions held between 11th - 15th October. We hope that you were given a warm welcome by our students.
Should you have any questions regarding our admissions process please email admissions@allsaintscc.org.uk

Y10 Work Experience Information Evening
Thankyou to all parents who attended our Y10 Work Experience Information Evening on Wednesday 13th October. We hope that you found the session informative and that it provided useful food for thought regarding your child's work experience options.
If you have any further questions regarding Work Experience Information Evening please email our Head of Pastoral Curriculum, Miss J Nesmyth: j.nesmyth@allsaintscc.org.uk

Year 11 Information Evening 2022
Our Year 11 Information Evening is taking place on Tuesday 20th September 2022. The evening will begin at 5pm and end promptly at 6pm.
Year 11 is the final and most important year at All Saints Catholic College. It is vital that students, teachers and parents work together to help your child achieve their full potential.
This evening will offer you the opportunity to hear from your child’s Head of Year, Subject Leaders of English and Maths and Mr O'Neill, regarding the year ahead. We will aim to provide information and guidance for you as a parent on how best to support your child during this vital academic year.
You can confirm your attendance by completing this online form.
Mr Brad Holland — SENDCo: info@aIIsaintscc.org.uk
Mr Laurence Parker — Deputy SENDCo
Mr O’NeiII — Headteacher
Mr Dave Hallbery — SEND Link Governor
The school is committed to giving all of our pupils every opportunity to achieve the highest of standards. We have high expectations of all pupils and we offer a brood and balanced curriculum. The achievements, attitudes and well—being of all our pupils matter. We believe that young people achieve at their best if they feel safe, healthy, confident and happy.
Our Inclusion Department is run by well—qualified staff who provide interventions for pupils who require additional help in order to achieve their full potential. We are committed to narrowing the attainment gap between children with SEND and other learners and this may include interventions at the end of the school day, short—term focussed learning or one—to—one interventions developed on on individual needs basis.
The SEND department works in partnership with subject specialists to ensure that pupils have the greatest possible access to the curriculum.
Pupils are identified according to the RBKC criteria for SEN as defined in the SEN Code of Practice 2014:
Communication and interaction
Cognition and Learning
Social, emotional and mental health
Sensory and/or physical needs

Year 9 Parents' Evening
Our Year 9 Parents Evening is taking place on Wednesday 19th October 2022. This will be an opportunity to meet with subject teachers and chat about your child's progress.
Further information will be added here in due course.
We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday 19th October.