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Pure Mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas.”  - Albert Einstein


Mission Statement

The mission of the Mathematics Department is to mould future generations to be confident and active members of our society by developing thinking skills, resilience and independence to use for their own intellectual enrichment and that of future generations.

Mathematics enables pupils to build a secure framework of mathematical reasoning, which they can use and apply with confidence. The power of mathematical reasoning lies in its use of precise and concise forms of language, symbolism and representation to reveal and explore general relationships. These mathematical forms are widely used for modelling situations; a trend accelerated by computational technologies. The subject transcends cultural boundaries and its importance is universally recognized. Mathematics helps us to understand and change the world.


Aims of the Mathematics Department

The Mathematics Department contributes to the school curriculum by developing pupils’ abilities to calculate; to reason logically, algebraically, and geometrically; to solve problems and to handle data. We endeavour to revise and build upon the students’ mathematical skills and concepts experienced in Primary School. Students are shown the relevance and importance of Mathematics to the real world and the impact it has. The Mathematics curriculum undertakes:

  • To offer a variety of approaches to teaching and learning to engage and motivate pupils and demand their active participation;

  • To set challenging targets with high expectations for all pupils;

  • To raise achievement and attainment for all students to an outstanding level;

  • To smooth the transition for pupils between Key Stages and ensure progression in teaching and learning throughout their time at All Saints Catholic College;

  • To explore enrichment opportunities outside the curriculum to enhance pupils’ enjoyment of mathematics;

  • To foster a positive attitude towards maths and its applications. We aim to provide students with the knowledge of how to use and apply maths, and its potential to enrich the wider aspects of their education;

  • To encourage and promote problem solving skills and techniques at all levels and across the range of mathematical topics, as well as encouraging students to recognise mathematical experiences in other curricular areas.


At the end of their mathematical education in All Saints, each pupil will be able to:

  • perform basic numeracy skills;

  • perform the basic mathematical skills needed in their chosen career or for entry to higher or further mathematical education;

  • understand the mathematics likely to be encountered in daily adult life;

  • reason clearly and logically, and to set out a rational argument;

  • approach problems systematically, choosing appropriate techniques for their solution;

  • experience satisfaction in and enjoyment of their mathematical achievements;

  • obtain any formal mathematical qualifications needed for their chosen career;

  • obtain their best possible results at KS3 and KS4 (and any AS module that may be taken).


Literacy Statement

The Maths Department provides opportunities to enhance the writing, reading and oral skills of students through lessons and assessments.


Students who are literate in Maths will:

  • be able to spell mathematical vocabulary;

  • be able to investigate Maths problems independently;

  • be able use and explain mathematical concepts;

  • understand mathematical vocabulary written on the board during the course of a lesson or seen on wall displays;

  • describe visualisations of shapes, movements and constructions;

  • be encouraged to give answers in formal mathematical language where appropriate;

  • be able to comprehend the language used in formal tests;

  • highlight, underline and annotate texts they don’t understand;

  • have the opportunity to compile a glossary of difficult mathematical terms at the back of their exercise books;

  • write short and extended responses.


Course Aims, Main Strands

  • Number

  • Algebra

  • Shape, Space and Measures

  • Data Handling

  • Functional Mathematics


Key Stage 3

In Year 7, pupils are initially taught in their forms and after an initial assessment are placed into sets based on their ability. All year groups are assessed every half term. Based on progress made during a term, movements amongst sets are made to reflect it. The department offers drop–in sessions every Tuesday from 2.45 to 4pm in room 212. In addition, a ‘problem solving’ skills clubs also runs during lunch time once a week for KS3 students. SoW will be shortly updated to reflect recent changes to the curriculum.


Key Stage 4

At All Saints, students start studying the KS4 curriculum in Year 10. The department follows the Edexcel GCSE linear course. The department offers revision sessions every Wednesday from 2.45 to 4pm, in the Maths corridor for both Foundation and Higher tiers. Extra revision lessons are also offered during Saturdays and holidays in the lead up to GCSE exams. Additionally, selected students have the opportunity to attend a residential week end to improve their maths skills. SoW will be revised shortly to reflect changes in the curriculum and changes to the GCSE format.

Maths department offers high achieving students the opportunity to enter an additional qualifications: AQA Level 2 Certificate in Further Mathematics. Higher order mathematical skills will be studied in greater depth with an emphasis on algebra reasoning, rigorous argument and problem solving skills. This qualification provide excellent preparation for AS and A-level Maths by introducing students to many AS topics.

Every year, our KS3 and KS4 students take part in the National Mathematics competition: the UKMT challenge.

Every year, selected students have the opportunity to take part in Maths masterclasses at the Royal Institution and King’s College, both very prestigious educational establishments.

Click below to view our Maths curriculum for each year group.

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11

If you would like to find out more about the Mathematics curriculum, contact our Head of Mathematics Mrs Mwenda by emailing


"To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary.  To one without faith, no explanation is possible." 

St Thomas Aquinas

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