GCSE Options Process
Pathways Programme
In addition to the core subjects, students will study two Pathway subjects with the aim of maximising their academic potential. The Pathway model involves the school placing students on a Pathway that is appropriately challenging to their ability level, with the aim of maximising their academic potential. It also allows subject teachers to deliver the curriculum content in as much depth as possible, whilst providing practical subjects more time to maximise coursework grades:
Pupils on the ‘Extended Pathway’ will study Geography or History and French or Spanish
Pupils on the ‘Academic Pathway’ will study either Spanish, French, Geography or History, and one other subject, from the list below
Pupils on the ‘Focused Pathway’ will study two subjects, with a greater focus on coursework, from the list below
Additional Information
All students will have 4 lessons per week for each optional subject, 1 Core PE lesson per week and will continue to follow their PSHE curriculum as standard.
Timeline of key events
Options Workshop
Your child will carousel around each subject to explore all subjects on offer.
Parents’ Evening
An opportunity to have a brief conversation with your child’s class teacher about their progress and performance in that subject.
Options Evening
An opportunity for you to gain an in-depth understanding of your child’s next steps and discuss with teachers their suitability for each course.
At the end of this evening, an online options form will be published for your child to complete.
Options Deadline
Students will need to pick their three options choices after careful consideration and discussion with you after the Options Evening.
Options Interviews
Your child will be given a time to meet with a member of the Senior Leadership Team to discuss the reasons for the options choices made.
A copy of our options handbook can be downloaded and viewed here.