GCSE Options Process
At All Saints Catholic College we offer a broad, in-depth and carefully sequenced KS3 curriculum that prepares all pupils for excellence. We give pupils ample time to make carefully, thought through decisions on what GCSE courses they wish to take into key stage 4. In year 9, through the options process, pupils gain insight into what choices are available to them, and their choices are confirmed at the start of the summer term.
All pupils take the following compulsory subjects to GCSE level:
English Language
English Literature
Combined Science (unless Separate Sciences are chosen as an option)
Religious Education.
Pupils will also continue to follow the PSHCEE curriculum and have one PE lesson each week.
Typically, pupils will then choose three of the following options:
Art & Design
Computer Science
Food and Nutrition
Music Technology
Separate Science
Sport Studies
For pupils who have early acquisition English, there is also an opportunity to work with our highly successful EAL department to develop their understanding of the language.
Timeline of key events
Options Workshop
Your child will carousel around each subject to explore all subjects on offer.
Parents’ Evening
An opportunity to have a brief conversation with your child’s class teacher about their progress and performance in that subject.
Options Evening
An opportunity for you to gain an in-depth understanding of your child’s next steps and discuss with teachers their suitability for each course.
At the end of this evening, an online options form will be published for your child to complete.
Options Deadline
Students will need to pick their three options choices after careful consideration and discussion with you after the Options Evening.
Options Interviews
Your child will be given a time to meet with a member of the Senior Leadership Team to discuss the reasons for the options choices made.
A copy of our options handbook can be downloaded and viewed here.