"The office of drama is to exercise, possibly to exhaust, human emotions. The purpose of comedy is to tickle those emotions into an expression of light relief; of tragedy, to wound them and bring the relief of tears. Disgust and terror are the other points of the compass."
Laurence Olivier
Mission Statement
Drama is another popular subject in All Saints Catholic College. The Performing Arts Department is in the heart of the school in new building. The drama studio is a large space with a lighting rig, pull out tiered seating, and the option of being fully black-out for performances. This is an exciting and professional space for our students where they can rehearse and where more intimate concerts and performances take place. This room is perfect for rehearsals and our more intimate concerts.
Drama is taught as a discrete subject in KS3. In Year 7, 8 and 9 students explore the nature of the subject, its key skills and processes, through practical activities related to a variety of stimulus material. Some of the topics included are Physical Theatre, Macbeth, Theatre in Education, Naturalism, Scriptwork, Comedy and Bullying.
From Year 10 Drama can be chosen as an option for GCSE (Eduqas) and here there is a greater focus on developing more sophisticated skills and techniques not just in preparation for the exam but these skills that can be carried out beyond the classroom. In drama we deliver a wide variety of different schemes that look at themes, issues and social skills from a global aspect. For example Script work via Refugee Boy by Benjamin Zephaniah and studying practitioners who have influenced theatre and Drama across the world.
We have an extensive extra-curricular activities programme, where we have one large scale musical production each year and have been other smaller scale productions throughout the year for example a Christmas show. We are currently forging strong links with local theatres such as the Bush Theatre, LAMDA and the Royal Court there we have trips to see live performances in the West End and local theatres
The Drama Department aims to:
stimulate the imagination of our students;
encourage self-confidence;
develop an ability to effectively communicate both verbally and physically;
acquire a good understanding of the history, nature and function of Theatre and theatrical skills;
provide a broad and exciting experience for students;
learn subject specific skills such as performance and directing;
promote respect and appreciation of all cultures – particularly relevant in our culturally rich world;
develop lively, enquiring minds and the ability to question and argue rationally.
Literacy Statement
The Drama Department provides opportunities to enhance the writing, reading and oral skills of students through lessons and assessments. Students who are literate in Drama can:
use their speaking and listening skills to help them make progress;
use subject-specific vocabulary;
write a critical analysis of their own and the work of others;
actively explore and write about specific genres, styles and traditions from social and historical contexts;
discriminate, think and evaluate critically and make connections between different types of dramatic performances;
identify and explore the different acting styles;
describe, compare and evaluate performances;
suggest improvements to their own and others’ work; commenting on how the performer’s intentions have been achieved;
refine and improve their work through self and peer assessment.
Click below to view our Drama curriculum for each year group.
If you would like to find out more about the Drama curriculum, contact our Head of Performing Arts Ms Vojvodic by emailing