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  • Who is my child's Head of Year?
    The Heads of Year should be your first point of contact if you have any queries or concerns. The Heads of Year are as follows: Head of Year 7: Mr Beardsall Head of Year 8: Miss Bradley Head of Year 9: Miss Walsh Head of Year 10: Miss Harper Head of Year 11: Miss Harper
  • Who is the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) ?
    The Designated Safeguarding Lead is Ms C Dalton. If you have any safeguarding concerns you should contact Ms Dalton immediately. The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads are Mr P Walton and Mr T Aykroyd. Mr O'Neill is kept informed of any safeguarding concerns.
  • Who should I contact about Special Educational Needs?
    The school's SENCO is Mr Holland. If you need to contact Mr Holland, please telephone the school on 020 8969 7111.
  • What time does school begin/end?
    The school day begins at 8:30am. The school day ends at 3:15pm. Detentions are held until 4:15pm. See timetable here.
  • Where can I buy the school uniform?
    You can buy the school uniform from Uniform4Kids. Their website is
  • What is the school's current Ofsted grading?
    The school's current Ofsted grading is Good. At our latest inspection it was deemed there was sufficient evidence to suggest the school is infact Outstanding and therefore a full Section 5 inspection will take place in the next twelve months. The school's Diocesan inspection grading is Outstanding.
  • Who should I contact about Admissions?
    Ms Shortiss will be able to deal with any admissions concern that you have. If you contact the school on 020 8969 7111 or email and she will be able to help you.
  • Is it possible to get paper copies of information published online?
    We will provide a paper copy of information published on our website free of charge to parents. Please contact the school office on 020 8969 7111.
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